Saturday, September 28, 2019

The mind-body connection and how this impacts how we learn Research Paper

The mind-body connection and how this impacts how we learn - Research Paper Example As Weiss (2014) maintains, the body does not exist merely for carrying the head around. Instead, the whole body is engaged when a person thinks and learns. Learning involves numerous novel neuron connections that result into new structures in the brain from time to time. These neurons consist of several receptors, which are proteins that vibrate and change shape over time. Hydrolysis of proteins produces peptides and research has shown that the same peptides discovered in the brain were in the rest of the other systems of the body (Weiss, 2014). This is proof that the connection between the body and the mind is actually physical. This body-soul connection affects learning in various ways. The plasticity of the brain depends on ability of a person to generate novel brain cells, something that has to do with the body. Brain plasticity denotes the capability of the brain to learn continuously while updating its database. Throughout one’s life, new brain cells that are functional are generated each day. Scientists have maintained that the human brain emerges as an organ that has organic tissues that are most complex, numerous connections. Studies have shown that these connections do not occur exclusively during the learning process but also transpire to a greater degree in those people who are physically active as compared to those who are less active in physical terms. This is in line with recent data collection that shows that physically active people have a relatively large cortical mass in comparison to their less physically active counterparts. The fact that the bodily stimulations instanced by being physically active enhance the ability of the cells of the n erve to connect translates to ameliorated learning process (Kotz, 2010). Without doubt, the mind-body connection has an important role in enhancing the learning process and this needs consideration to ameliorate learning in

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